Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

To mark the day, I'm posting my favorite passage from my Father's second novel, Rage in the Wind.
Then he did accept a simple euphoria in himself, a dispassionate sense of well-being that acknowledged these sights in spite of recent agonies. Fall followed summer no matter how abrupt the closure of summer, and he was outdoors in the wide heart of it just as he had been before, inexorably included in eternal space. It contained him as completely as it did the waning white moon in a morning sky, the same moon once full for the McLeods and a wildcat in the night. The same moon, the same space, the same Timer; all essentially unaltered by love or the loss of love.There was no use fighting it.

I also recently posted notes from our days in Kona looking for the yellow fish.

images:  Father and Child 
Lion and Cub 

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