Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Another Mission

And then of course sometimes my mission is just to enjoy the mission.

Quests needn't be more complicated than that.

image:  Christie B. Cochrell, Mission San Luis Rey de Francia


  1. Funny, when I first saw the photograph I thought it was Greece. I was misled by the blue roof and the cacti.
    Lovely pun, and I agree 100%! Enjoy the mission, and enjoy the moment!

    1. The way certain places resonate with others is so wonderful. I hadn't thought of this in connection with Greece, but of course you're right--it's very evocative of that. I must dig out a photo I took of a monastery on Santorini that has almost exactly the same shape as a famous adobe church in Taos, New Mexico--I "recognized" it at once. I love making these connections. Thanks for catching the similarity.
