Thursday, October 14, 2010


Tibetan astronomical Thangka, painted 1684. The movement of the zodiacal signs and the planets.

This in honor of the Dalai Lama’s visit to Stanford, where I found Tibetan monks quietly, patiently enrapt in ceremonies at lunchtime, something to do with quintessential colors in small bowls.

When we develop patience, we find that we develop a reserve of calm and tranquility. We tend to be less antagonistic and more pleasant to associate with. This creates a positive atmosphere around us and it is easy for others to relate to us. Better grounded emotionally through patience, we become stronger mentally and spiritually, and tend to be healthier physically.
     —Dalai Lama

And a related quote, thanks for a day of grace, a patient autumn day—

The thoughts of the earth are my thoughts. The voice of the earth is my voice. All that belongs to the earth belongs to me. All that surrounds the earth surrounds me. It is lovely indeed, it is lovely indeed.
     —Navajo song

image: Thangka, Wikimedia Commons

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