Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Homely Things

I’ve thrown the bedroom windows open just now to the warm spring afternoon; and I was taken earlier by the honest sweetness of a pink bath towel, worn from many washings.  Funny how such homely (comely) things can cheer us.  The wabi sabi of everyday life.  A wheelbarrow and straw hat out in the garden; the frothy fronds of a bulb of fennel brought home among the shopping.  A new bottle of olive oil.  The linen ties on my wicker laundry basket.  Two white horses poking their noses over the weathered wood fence on Deer Creek, just up the road.  Some little curled pink shrimp to dip by their tails in the cocktail sauce.  My favorite old pale yellow sweatshirt.  Going barefoot.  Studying a half a dozen recipes for chicken baked or roasted with olives.  A handful of Greek olives with orange peel and fennel.  A sprinkler playing meditatively.  The fossil fish under the octagonal window.  That towel again.

image:  Christie B. Cochrell, Pink Towel


  1. i love the wabi sabi of everyday life.
    and nobody.
    nobody describes it better than you do.

  2. There's The God of Small Things. I would love to write The God of Everyday Things. You have inspired me to think about that as I go about my (every)day. Thank you!
