Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Solace for the Solstice

On this first day of summer, I’m happily doing summery things.
. Brewing peppermint tea.
. Rereading Marcovaldo.
. Getting ready to write the last scenes of my Mallorcan mystery story.
. Making sandwiches with avocado, spinach, and goat cheese.
. Thinking about Stonehenge, about King Arthur, about maybe rereading The Once and Future King, and The Astrology of the Ancients.
. Buying carnations for the Italian pitcher, remembering the long-ago summer of staying in a borrowed flat with polished wooden floors on Russian Hill in San Francisco and replenishing a vase of pale yellow carnations every week.  How cool it was up there after the heat of Palo Alto.
. Choosing a galia melon.
. Writing a postcard of a sailboat with full-bellied sails.

image:  Summer Solstice, Stonehenge,


  1. What a beautiful program you have.
    I love the photo of Stonehenge. I miss Stonehenge...
    There's something so very archaic about man's interest in the summer solstice.
    So you also like King Arthur, how about Merlin?
    Maybe you read "The Sword in the Stone", from which the made the classic Disney cartoon...

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love Merlin, and just added him to a poem. I believe "The Sword in the Stone" is one of the sections of "The Once and Future King"—all terrific. I should watch the Disney cartoon again, too.

    Happy summer to you, solstice and beyond!
