Monday, May 21, 2012


Poignant old lyrics that I had memorized in junior high when the school play (back on another river) was the Spoon River Anthology.

But once having left you can never return
There is no going back there is only the yearn
You're haunted, you're hunted wherever
you roam
Spoon River, Spoon River is calling you home

For the river is time and it flows toward
the sea
And in leaving its banks you are free,
you are free
But you're haunted, you're hunted wherever
you roam
Spoon River, Spoon River is calling you home
Nostalgia is rampant these days.

image:   Claude Monet, Bras de Seine près de Giverny


  1. I love the poems from the Spoon River Anthology. And this one, which I didn't remember, is oh so true!

  2. One of those lovely old books, perfect for a near-summer day...
